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Welcome to Free Flower Wellness, a virtual healing space where you can grow into the best version of yourself. We acknowledge that each person is a unique expression of consciousness and everyone has different wants and needs. We honor that the mind and body are interconnected.


Here you will find access to mindset coaching to understand the mental blocks you may have to reaching your potential. In our virtual yoga studio, you will find somatic yoga flows which are designed to help you connect with your true essence and revitalize your body. At Free Flower Wellness, we give you the resources to shed what no longer serves you and feel empowered to design the life that you want. Join us on this journey towards self-discovery and transformation.



Katie Dougherty

Hi, I’m Katie! I am a 500 hour certified yoga teacher, Reiki I practitioner, friend, sister, daughter, and lifelong learner. These are some of the hats that I wear or titles I hold, but at my true essence, I am a beacon of light, a nurturer, and an empath. 


I began practicing yoga as a means of exercise but found that I would leave yoga class with a sense of clarity and peace that I had never before experienced. It led me to believe there was something deeper about the practice beyond physical movement, and thus started my education in the practice of yoga. Yoga gives me the space to become aware so that I can reflect, connect with myself, and align my actions with my values. This is the gift that yoga has brought to me, and of which I wish to share with the world. 


I was raised in a strict religious community up until my teenage years. There were beliefs that were conditioned into me from the time of birth, and had a lasting effect on me long after I left the religion. These beliefs were not mine, but were given to me. As an adult, I had difficulty connecting with people and chose to keep myself small for fear of judgment or rejection. Later on, through personal development work, I learned that these issues in my life were due to the teachings that I grew up with; the belief that people outside of the religion were “bad association,” and would lead me to sin, or that speaking against the religion’s rules would have serious social consequences. Although I had no longer believed in these teachings that I had been raised with, they were still affecting my thoughts and feelings on a subconscious level. It was not until I became aware of the self-limiting beliefs and changed my belief-system about myself and the world that I was able to liberate myself and live an aligned life. 


I have always been passionate in the field of self-development. It is through my education in psychology and yoga that I designed a mindset coaching program to help empower others to find the root of self-limiting beliefs, thoughts, and behavior patterns that may be holding them back from actualizing their potential. I believe that everyone is able to create the life that they want, as long as they are willing to be honest with themselves and give their goals the energy and investment that they deserve. 


Liberate yourself and blossom with us here at Free Flower Wellness. 


"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." 

Bhagavad Gita

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